On Sale
Galliano L'autentico 750ML
- Country: Italy
- Size: 750ML
he classic. Golden Yellow in colour with a light green hue. A perfectly balanced blend of Mediterranean exotic herbs and plants, all sourced and blended in their natural form. The resulting taste is rounded with a powerful aromatic top note that softens to a mellow deep taste. A TASTE OF ITALY With a recipe that reads more like a medieval elixir of herbs, plants, roots, barks, spices and flower seeds. A bottle of Galliano begins it’s life with the meticulous sorting and quality control of some 30 herbs, spices and plant extracts. This creates a perfectly balanced hand crafted artisanal spirit. To this day the Galliano recipe remains a guarded secret. Here is just a handful of the extracts: Mediterranean Anise, Juniper, Musk Yarrow, Star Anise, Lavender, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Vanilla.